I almost said no

I almost said no because I just couldn’t find the time. And that’s what I’m most scared of. What if I can’t find the time for this business or if I overlap the time I spend with my family with the business. Or if I focus more on a clean house and safety savings than the very precious moments with my husband or my child. It’s scary. Balancing everything. You always hear the saying Time flies when you’re having fun”, but news flash, also when we’re complaining and wishing our life was in a different season. Time flies when we think we’re not capable of something, yet in the time we were thinking just those thoughts, we could of been creating and realizing just how capable we are. This season has been a lot of focus on balancing my time. Making sure I’m putting things in order of importance to God, and myself.

The beginning of this year I told myself I was going to accomplish so many things and I refused to let myself or my family down. I refused to listen to the negative remarks or pay mind to the lack of support and decided to thrive off my own desires and God’s will. I began to appreciate and accept the positive remarks and encouragement and not think people were just “being nice”. I refused to expect things to fall into my lap and I’ve worked really hard not to let myself just quit because of one obstacle that made me cry. I have to talk myself out of so many failing scenarios, more than I could count. I’ve even compared myself time and time again to other businesses and blogs, telling myself “you can never be this clever or creative”, but truth is, maybe I will be for someone. Maybe my words or tutorials or even lactation education tips will make more sense to one mom than another, and I’ve had to trust that little encouraging voice. Just know, as pretty as this website looks and as confident as I sound, This has not been easy. I have struggled so much, but I’m willing to grow even more. I’m so blessed. Blessed because My husband has been the big push towards starting our website. He has been just as hard working and creative, even though he won’t give himself credit for it.

Still a good mom is a work in progress and it probably always will be, but it will be a work that I will never stop fighting for. It will be a work where you can come and find help, find relatability, and find a place to say “wow that’s so me, I needed that”. Products will fade away, but words and works will always stay. I started Still a good mom with intentions to let you, as the new mom, the mom in waiting, or the been there done that mom, and even the mom whose babies have grown and left the nest, know that yes, you will struggle. You will fail. You will probably even still think of a mom-mistake you made 5 years ago, but you still choose to tough it out and continue on this journey. God choose you and he will choose you day after day to continue to be a mom to your child/children. So while yes motherhood is no easy walk in the park, and You could very well be a bad mom if you wanted to, just know that if your feeding, bathing, clothing, encouraging hugging and kissing and letting your children know they are loved; even when you’re struggling, you’re a good mom.

So I’ll be here, helping moms, advocating for what I believe in, pressing forward, creating new things, living for God, being a loving wife, being there for family, allowing time for friendships, going at my own pace and knowing that even when I don’t feel like it, I’m still a good mom.

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